3 Things to Look for in a Kindergarten for Advanced Children


You know the saying about a kid’s mind being like a sponge? Well, for some little sponges, the water flows faster than for others. While some kindergarteners are figuring out their ABCs, others are diving deep into chapter books or solving math puzzles. We all dream of our child’s face lighting up with the thrill of learning, eager to share their day’s discoveries. But here’s the catch: not all kindergartens cater to these little wonders. Many are still stuck in the “everyone starts at square one” mode, leaving our brainy kids twiddling their thumbs, with their interest in school falling right off a cliff. 

Between us, choosing the perfect kindergarten is the golden ticket to your child’s bright future and a big sigh of relief for you. So, if your child is thinking outside the box, shouldn’t their kindergarten do the same? Dive in, explore, and find a place where learning feels like the coolest adventure on the block. 

Here are 3 things to look for in a kindergarten for advanced children:

1. Personalized Learning Boosted by AI

Imagine a world where your child’s lessons fit them like a glove, always just right and never too tight. Schools equipped with AI-powered tools provide this snug fit. They ensure our precocious little ones are always on their toes, ready for the next leap. Goodbye, boredom!

2. Stretchy Adaptable Curriculum

Remember those ‘one size fits all’ hats that always seem a tad too tight or too loose? That’s a rigid curriculum for you. What your kid needs is a kindergarten where the learning path is like stretchy pants—always adjusting to fit just right. Whether they’re zipping ahead or taking a delightful detour, their journey is always just their size.

3. Innovative Teaching that Inspires Discovery

You know those “aha!” moments? The best kindergartens are chock-full of them. We’re talking about places where educators are more like curious explorers and less like old-school lecturers. They don’t just spill the beans; they guide little hands to uncover them. Because when you have an advanced child, the joy is in the journey and the discovery.

Alpha School is redefining what parents should expect from K-8 education. If you’re ready to create limitless possibilities in your child’s life, sign up for an Alpha School tour.  

5 Positive Ways Your Kids Should Be Using AI

You’ve heard all the news about kids using ChatGPT to cheat, but there’s another side to this story. Just as the internet revolutionized education, AI will be the next game-changer. While the fears of cheating have definitely been legitimate, have you actually tried writing an essay using just AI? Hate to say it, but the outcomes aren’t instant gratification. Using AI still requires work, and in fact, it often leads to a deeper understanding of the subject matter because you are the one who has to teach AI what to do and say. Just like the internet, AI isn’t going anywhere, so let’s teach our kids to work with AI, not against it. 

Here are 5 positive ways your kids should be using AI: 

1. 24/7 Tutors

AI can serve as a round-the-clock tutor for your child, offering instant academic support when they need it, and it’s free. If your child’s struggling with an algebra problem, they can ask AI to guide them through it, step-by-step.

2. Lessons Come to Life!

AI allows students to learn history by having life-like conversations with tech-powered versions of Socrates, Gandhi, and Dr. Martin Luther King. Students can learn about gravity by chatting with an AI-powered version of Sir Isaac Newton. They can learn about art from Frida Kahlo and about WW2 by chatting with a teenage version of Anne Frank. This level of engagement was unheard of before now.

3. Custom Study Plans

AI can design personalized study plans for your kids. Imagine AI systems that curate lesson plans tailored to each student’s learning style and needs. If your child is a visual learner, they can ask for examples that use infographics and visuals.

4. Enhanced Creativity

Kids can use AI to create virtual art galleries and build art based on whatever they can imagine. They can ask AI to “Show me a blue cat riding a marshmallow in space in 3-D” and let their imaginations go wild.

5. Real-time Progress Tracking

Tech-based apps provide instant feedback on students’ performance, so they know what they got wrong right away. They don’t have to wait for papers to get graded; AI tells them what they did wrong, and they can correct it on the spot. 

Alpha School is redefining what parents should expect from a private school. If you’re ready to create limitless possibilities in your child’s life, sign up for an Alpha School tour.  

3 Reasons Die-Hard Public School Parents are Choosing Private Schools for their Kids


Public education is in absolute turmoil and it’s reaching a dangerous breaking point. The biggest sign? Parents who not only bled public school spirit but firmly declared their children would too, are now fleeing to private institutions. Research shows American public schools witnessed a sharp decline of 1.2 million students in the years following the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, private school enrollment in 2021-2022 hit record highs after countless parents made the switch.

Here are three reasons public school parents are choosing private schools: 

Academic Standards

The public education system is failing to uphold academic excellence. A significant factor driving parents to private schools is the catastrophic drop in academic standards. Basic skills such as reading and writing are often overlooked, allowing students to advance with minimal to no academic grounding. The removal of crucial subjects like Algebra from 8th-grade curriculum, and eliminating enriched programs, are seriously hindering students’ chances of future success. After the Covid-19 pandemic national test scores plummeted to record lows, but because of the disastrous state of public schools, many of these students will never fully recover. Reports indicate kids missed 35% of a typical school year’s learning, with nearly half of parents fearing these setbacks could cause permanent damage. Alarmingly, post-Covid era education remains in continued decline. During the 2022-2023 school year, 13-year-olds’ math scores dropped by an average of 9 points, and reading scores fell by 4 points. Even the most ardent public school supporters recognize the potential long-term impact these learning gaps could have on their children’s lives.

Peer-to-Peer Influence and Culture

From relentless fighting and bullying, to the blatant disrespect for teachers, public school parents continue to witness the steady erosion of their children’s learning environment. Peer-to-peer influence and school culture significantly affects students at every academic stage, with data revealing a negative peer group can lead to a 24% drop in academic performance. Private schools often emphasize community, motivation, and a positive learning environment, while public schools are grappling with deteriorating mental health and a concerning anti-academic stance. With 85% of high school students facing peer-pressure, parents are turning to private schools to ensure their kids are learning alongside motivated, disciplined, and like-minded peers.

Individualized Learning

Over the past two decades, public school funding has been drastically cut, leading to larger class sizes, fewer resources, and an almost mechanical approach to education. This system has become increasingly challenging for teachers, with many either leaving the profession or facing daily struggles. To make matters worse, what funding is left doesn’t always go to the educators who need it most. Data shows public school classrooms are often packed to double the capacity of their private counterparts, resulting in a watered-down educational experience that leaves no room for individualized learning. Private schools champion an individual focus on each child’s personal learning needs. 

Alpha School is redefining what parents should expect from K-8 education. If you’re ready to create limitless possibilities in your child’s life, sign up for an Alpha School tour. 

5 Reasons Why Kindergarten Matters Most


Ready for a shocker? Kindergarten isn’t just about nap-time and doodling with crayons anymore. Now, more than ever, it’s a game-changing year that lays the foundation for your little one’s entire academic journey. Let’s be honest: the kindergarten you choose can be the difference between your child charging forward on their learning career with enthusiasm or viewing school as a place synonymous with boredom and frustration. A little secret between us? Choosing the right kindergarten not only puts your child on the path to success but could also be a lifesaver for your future parental sanity.

Here are 5 reasons why kindergarten matters most: 

1. The First Taste of School

Picture this: Your little one’s eyes, wide with curiosity, in a classroom that feels like an adventure. In the right kindergarten, every day is a thrilling chapter of discovery. “Numbers? That’s just my kind of fun!” That’s the spirit you’re aiming for!

2. The Future Forecast

Here’s some food for thought: How they fare in third grade might just be a sneak peek into their high school finale. If they’re lagging by third grade, there’s a 50% chance they’ll be playing catch-up in twelfth grade. Kickstart their journey in the right kindergarten, and you’ll set them up for encores at graduation.

3. School Vibes Matter

Dream of a school where the bell isn’t a ticket out, but an “until tomorrow” promise? A place where learning is so captivating that kids can’t wait to dive back in. Those who fall head over heels for their school have a whopping 64% higher chance of topping their exams. The right kindergarten vibe? Priceless.

4. Early Bird Gets The Word

Before they’re even thinking about diplomas, kids are defining their academic self-image. Heard the “I can’t draw” or “Math? I’m terrible”? In the perfect kindergarten, every kid discovers their own brand of genius, believing they can conquer any challenge.

5. The Post-COVID Twist 

In the wake of COVID, the academic world’s become a bit of a rollercoaster. With subjects like math and reading taking wild down turns, a solid start is more critical than ever. A stellar kindergarten ensures your child’s academic path has more ups than downs.

Alpha School is redefining what parents should expect from a private school. If you’re ready to create limitless possibilities in your child’s life, sign up for an Alpha School tour.