Want to see what real-world success for your child can look like?

At Alpha, learning extends beyond what is expected and makes it extraordinary. Our immersive workshops equip students with concrete skills and growth mindsets for a lifetime of success.

Some fan-favorite workshops include:

Alpha Animation Studios: Students craft stories and bring them to life through animation and filmmaking. Key skills: Creativity, collaboration, project management. 

Alpha Consulting Group:
Students tackle real-world problems for actual clients, brainstorming innovative solutions. Key skills: Critical thinking, communication, problem solving.

Lyrical Genius:
Students express themselves and build their brand through songwriting and performance. Key skills: Self-expression, creativity, courage.

Now You See Me:
Students develop presentation skills combining magic and public speaking. Key skills: Public speaking, performance, confidence.

But we don’t stop there.

We have developed Test2Pass, our proprietary outcomes measurement system. Each workshop has been assigned concrete competencies that students must demonstrate to “pass.”

What does this mean?

Students are able to see tangible progress and growth, gaining abilities that will bolster their life after Alpha.


The best part: These are the key to Alpha students’ academic success.

These exciting afternoons power academic excellence. By connecting passion to purpose, our workshops provide the extrinsic motivation for students to accelerate their learning in the mornings, while fostering internal motivation during the PM hours.

This motivation is two-fold

Workshops are the “carrot” that give students a concrete reward for focusing and excelling during academic time. The promise of passions and hobbies makes core studies more exciting.
Workshops ignite intrinsic motivation by tapping into passions. Students develop internal drive as they gain skills in areas they care about, creating a positive feedback cycle.
It is truly a win-win: Students are driven to efficiently master 2 hours of core academics so they can dive into the workshops they love, [and parents are happy that their kids are succeeding now, and will be in the future.
With passion powering mastery, Alpha ensures that the learning continues long after school is over!

Children can be limitless.
Let us show you how.